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Deported from Crimea to Uzbekistan, Khalilov requests to return him to Ukraine

Deported from Crimea to Uzbekistan Nedim Khalilov asks to return him to Ukraine. According to the Crimean human rights group, the Crimean Tatar appealed to the Ambassador of Ukraine in Uzbekistan “On resolving the issues of displacement in the place of the initial departure”.

“Given that my move to Crimea (Ukraine) took place at 2002 year, that is, during the time of the CIS Agreement “On the Restoration of the Rights of Deported Persons, National Minorities and Peoples “, also taking into account the interference of force majeure circumstances (Russia’s annexation of Crimea without the consent of Ukraine, the Crimean Tatars, and people of goodwill), my compulsory transfer by the Russian authorities to the places of deportation of my parents, I ask to resolve the issues of my return to Ukraine”, the document authored by human rights defenders states.
The activist explained that he can not leave Uzbekistan on his own, since he does not have the relevant documents, while the Crimean Tatar refuses to receive the Uzbek passport.

Khalilov tried to obtain in court the status of “stateless person” since he lost the right to Uzbek citizenship in 2012 year, but Mirzo-Ulugbek inter-district civil affairs court in Tashkent refused to establish this fact on August 8, 2018.

It is reported that Khalilov appealed this decision in the Tashkent city court for civil cases.

November 7 2016, by the decision of the Kremlin-controlled court of a Crimean Nedima Khalilov was taken out of Crimea. Khalilov was given the opportunity to go home, take warm clothes, money and documents.

As a protest, deprived of the opportunity to live at home, in the Crimea, Khalilov on November 21 2016 went on a hunger strike. January 5, 2017 due to critical depletion, due to 45-day refusal of food Khalilov decided to stop the hunger strike.

In summer 2016, the coordinator of the organization “Resistance Movement of the Crimean Tatars” Nedim Khalilov, referring to international law and the laws of Russia, sent a claim to the Kremlin-controlled Central Court of Simferopol to recognize the actions of Russian authorities in Crimea against the Crimean Tatars illegal. He demanded that the Crimean Tatar language has to be given state status and that court hearings be conducted in the Crimean Tatar language.