On January 2, 2013 Alexey Kozlov, human rights activist and environmentalist from Voronezh, received another phone call with threats. The first call was on December, 5.
On January 2, 2013 Alexey Kozlov, human rights activist and environmentalist from Voronezh, received another phone call with threats. The first call was on December, 5.
According to Alexey Kozlov himself, ‘the call was from the same number, the same person told that I should not take the situation so carelessly, the threats are real enough. He suggested meeting in ‘Shtab’ (Headquarte) café in one of the most crminal area of Voronezh to inform me about the reasons for threats and prove that these threats are real.’
After the previous call on December 5, Alexey Kozlov reported to the police but he still has not received any response on whether the case regarding these threats was initiated.
Alexey Kozlov is the head of ECOSOCIS foundation, active participant of anti-nickel protests in Voronezh region, one of the leaders of freedom of assembly campaign in the region, an active participant and leader of so-called ‘winter protests’.
ECOSOCIS located in Voronezh Human Rights House which was searched on 19th of December by Investigation Committee of Russia because of the possible links with Bolotnaya case.
For more information +79042114392
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