Side event: “Repressions against Russian civil society in 2015”

Since the beginning of Russia’s involvement in the armed conflict in Ukraine in March 2014 the human rights situation in Russia has dramatically deteriorated. War-time mobilization of the public against “enemies” and unprecedented poisonous propaganda have had tremendous negative impact on the situation of civil society.

Since the beginning of Russia’s involvement in the armed conflict in Ukraine in March 2014 the human rights situation in Russia has dramatically deteriorated. War-time mobilization of the public against “enemies” and unprecedented poisonous propaganda have had tremendous negative impact on the situation of civil society.

Increasingly harsh application of the “foreign agents” and "undesirable organisation" laws threatens existence of leading NGOs. Politically motivated persecution has resulted in long-term sentences of the opponents of the government. Threats to civic activists and critics of the government come not only from authorities but increasingly from private groups who are supported by the government and label activists as “traitors”. New repressive laws have been adopted, further shrinking space for all fundamental rights and freedoms, enshrined in OSCE commitments.

Friday, September 25
at 6:00pm – 9:00pm

Sofitel Warsaw Victoria 
Krolewska 11, 00-065 Warsaw, Poland

Facebook event
Working languages: English and Russian.



Sergey Davidis, Human Rights Center Memorial 
Alexey Kozlov,
Lilia Shibanova, GOLOS Association 
Alexander Verkhovsky, SOVA Center for Information and Analysis 
Dmitry Utukin, Committee for the Prevention of Torture

Moderator: Yuri Dzhibladze, Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights


1. Юрий Джибладзе – вступление, краткий обзор изменений в сфере прав человека за последний год, 5 минут

2. Сергей Давидис – политически мотивированные преследования, политические заключенные

3. Дмитрий Утукин – пытки и жестокое обращение

4. Алексей Козлов – свобода мирных собраний 

5. Александр Верховский – злоупотребление антиэкстремистским законодательством 

6. Лилия Шибанова – избирательные права

7. Юрий Джибладзе – давление на гражданское общество 


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