Reindeer herders against the government

There are foreign forces who are trying to set up the local population of Yamal against the government to undermine the situation in the country. This information was provided by with reference to the opinion of the local political analyst Yevgeny Zabrodin and director of Yamal Internal Policy Department, Sergey Klymentyev.

There are foreign forces who are trying to set up the local population of Yamal against the government to undermine the situation in the country. This information was provided by with reference to the opinion of the local political analyst Yevgeny Zabrodin and director of Yamal Internal Policy Department, Sergey Klymentyev.

According to them, the mood of protest among the Yamal reindeer herders is heated through the group "Voice of the Tundra", created in the social network "VKontakte". In this community people argue about reducing the number of reindeer herds, the consequences of anthrax outbreaks, the ambulance aviation in the tundra and the difficulties experienced by the nomads.

Officials have begun to study the behavior of members of the community and their statements, since herders previously never expressed such an active position. In his report to the deputies of the Regional Legislative Assembly, the director of the internal policy department Sergey Klymentyev showed a video in which a group of administrators are openly called provocateurs, and that are deliberately fanning the scandal of the usual household situation, writes

Also, the supposed relationship between the community "Voice of the Tundra" and public organization "Batany", which was recently considered a foreign agent, is mentioned in the video. The leader of "Batany" is Pavel Sulyandziga, he is a well-known Yamal fighter for the rights of the indigenous peoples. Speaking to media, he said that the organization "could support this community, but we do not know them."

Meanwhile, the journalists managed to contact with the community's creator of "The Voice of the Tundra" on condition of anonymity. He said that he is a resident of Yamal, and the group in the social network was created to attract the attention of the media, as well as the attention of the county and municipal authorities, to environmental issues and indigenous people of the North.

The community creator considers Klymentyev's charges unfounded. "I think they have a sick imagination! They might be foreign agents(?) They just want to frighten us, because we speak the truth ", told the agency interlocutor.

Meanwhile, Yamal political analyst Yevgeny Zabrodin shares Klymentyev's opinion. He said that "there is no opposition between Yamal reindeer herders and authorities, however it is being artificially created." "There internal and external parties, interested in aggravating the situation. The first group includes people who run businesses in the field of reindeer herding. The second group are foreign funds. We were facing the same kind of propaganda in the USSR before the collapse of the Soviet Union", said the political analyst.

He drew an analogy between this situation and the conflicts that had taken place in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District. According to Zabrodin, there are disagreements between the oil companies and the indigenous people, but this opposition does not affect the relationship of between the indigenous people and government. In the Yamal region, the situation is slightly different: it is an attempt to influence the national intelligentsia and to tease the people in power. Actually it is an attempt to create a conflict. This may adversely affect the stability of the situation in the district and in the country as a whole, as Yamal is also an oil and gas producing region.

Commentary from Alexey Kozlov, the expert of the project

The habit of seeing a conspiracy, and the help of the West in everything, has been preserved in the Russian authorities since Soviet times. Contemporary Russian authorities can not assume that there are conscious citizens, who care and who want to discuss and solve urgent social problems.

In most cases it is happening because these authorities can only act according to instructions from their superiors. It is worth noting that the current law on the so-called "foreign agents" obligingly passes off a list of active NGOs that criticize the actions of the government and for this they were recognized as "foreign agents".

Similarly, as in this story, there is an organization that fights for the rights of indigenous "Batany" people and it is recognized as a "foreign agent." And what about the community in VKontakte called "Voice of the Tundra" fighting for the rights of indigenous peoples? Most likely they are also "agents". And, as can be expected, it has nothing to do with solving the problems the group members are talking about. No wonder this group will be closed by enforcement in the nearest future.


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