Open Society Statement on Developments in Russia

We regret the action by Russia’s Federation Council yesterday to send to the Prosecutor General a list of 12 organizations, including the Open Society Foundations, to consider banning.

This move comes more than a quarter-century after the Open Society Foundations began work in Russia to support the aspirations of the Russian people.

We regret the action by Russia’s Federation Council yesterday to send to the Prosecutor General a list of 12 organizations, including the Open Society Foundations, to consider banning.

This move comes more than a quarter-century after the Open Society Foundations began work in Russia to support the aspirations of the Russian people.

Since 1987, Open Society has provided support to countless individuals and civil society organizations, including in the fields of science, education, and public health. This record speaks for itself. We are honored to have worked alongside pioneering citizens, educators, and civil society organizations that embody Russian creativity, commitment, and hope.

We are determined to continue to support those who seek our assistance in accordance with our mission and within the limits of the law.


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