On May 23 morning investigators came with a search to activist Denis Kuraishi, who, according to some reports, used to be a security guard of Sergei Udaltsov. Not finding Kuraishi at home, investigators and officials of guardianship body took away his children six and ten years old, according to the "Facebook" of Sergei Davidis, Opposition Coordination Council member.
On May 23 morning investigators came with a search to activist Denis Kuraishi, who, according to some reports, used to be a security guard of Sergei Udaltsov. Not finding Kuraishi at home, investigators and officials of guardianship body took away his children six and ten years old, according to the "Facebook" of Sergei Davidis, Opposition Coordination Council member.
In the apartment, investigators caught Kuraishi's daughter six years old and his adult brother. According to his Kuraishi's brother, men who came wanted to conduct a search and pick Dennis. However, along with investigators and operatives came representatives of the guardianship body, who took from home six year old daughter. Later, the officials of guardianship body took from the school ten year old activist's daughter.
According to Davidis, the Kuraishi's wife returned from work to look for abducted daughters, and Lev Ponomarev has already asked about the children's abduction Human Rights Ombudsman Vladimir Lukin.
It should be noted that on May 23 searches for «Bolotnaya Square case" were held in several homes of the Left Front activists. Movement coordinator in Moscow was detained and taken for questioning to the Investigative Committee. The "RosUznik" suggests that Kuzmin will be another defendant in the «Bolotnaya Square case".
Source: kasparov.ru
Translation: Lubov Zakharova
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