In Crimea, Russian investigators demand DNA from the defendant for doing reposts in the social network

A russian investigator in the criminal case of a resident of Yalta Elina Mamedova, who is accused of inciting hatred and enmity for reposting several records in the social network “VKontakte”, demanded samples of DNA, saliva and voice from her. This was reported on September 7, by “Krym.Realii” referring to the lawyer of Mammadova, Alexei Ladin.

“The defense has legitimate bewilderment about how DNA samples, saliva and voices can confirm or deny Mammadova’s guilt in committing a crime by reposting in VKontakte,”- Ladin commented the case.

Mamedova, on the advice of her lawyer, refused to provide the requested samples.

“My client does not consider herself a criminal and is not ready to provide any of her data to the law enforcement agencies voluntarily”, – said Ladin.

27-year-old Elina Mamedova was arrested by Russian FSB officers on June 13th after a search in her house in Chekhovo (Yalta). Later, after the interrogation she was released from the Crimean branch of the Investigation Committee of Russia.

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