Russian border guards have refused entry to a noted Armenian political analyst. Stepan Grigorian, director of the Yerevan-based Analytical Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC), said on September 1 that he was told by Russian border guards that he has been barred from entering Russia until 2030.
Russian border guards have refused entry to a noted Armenian political analyst. Stepan Grigorian, director of the Yerevan-based Analytical Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC), said on September 1 that he was told by Russian border guards that he has been barred from entering Russia until 2030.
Grigorian said he discovered the order against him when he arrived at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport on August 30 for a visit in which he intended to pay his respects at his father's grave in the Russian capital.
The border guards cited a Russian law that says "foreigners who take part in activities of international organizations that are not desired to be present on the Russian territory" must be deported.
Grigorian called the decision by Russian authorities politically motivated.
ACGRC is actively involved in joint projects with nongovernmental organizations in the European Union.
It promotes civil society and democratic institutions in Armenia.
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