Fyodor Laptev, a volunteer of the Navalny's office and an LGBT activist, has told about his departure from Novocherkassk after law enforcers' threats to open a criminal case against him. According to Laptev, in September, law enforcers told him that his community in the social network on the LTBT topic fell under the article of "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations among minors". In November, he was also summoned to the police for a talk.
Fyodor Laptev, a volunteer of the Navalny's office and an LGBT activist, has told about his departure from Novocherkassk after law enforcers' threats to open a criminal case against him. According to Laptev, in September, law enforcers told him that his community in the social network on the LTBT topic fell under the article of "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations among minors". In November, he was also summoned to the police for a talk.
After that, Fyodor Laptev left the Rostov Region, the website of the human rights project "OVD-Info" reports.
On November 18, he wrote on the Facebook that he was homeless and asked to donate him some money to buy food.
Fyodor Laptev had created a well-known page in the social network "VKontakte" on the LGBT topic, which has 18,000 subscriber
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