Elena Klimova , the journalist and creator of the " Children 404", is prosecuted under  Article 6.21 of the Administrative Code ( "Promotion of non-traditional sexual relations among minors ") by the Russian Interior Ministry in Nizhny Tagil. Today, January 31st,  the Russian Interior Ministry in Nizhny Tagil has initiated administrative proceedings against Elena Klimova under Article 6.21 of the Administrative Code ( "Promotion of non-traditional sexual relations among minors ")

Elena Klimova , the journalist and creator of the " Children 404", is prosecuted under  Article 6.21 of the Administrative Code ( "Promotion of non-traditional sexual relations among minors ") by the Russian Interior Ministry in Nizhny Tagil. Today, January 31st,  the Russian Interior Ministry in Nizhny Tagil has initiated administrative proceedings against Elena Klimova under Article 6.21 of the Administrative Code ( "Promotion of non-traditional sexual relations among minors ")

Elena is blamed for "the creation of the group in social Russian internet network VK , which promotes non-traditional sexual relations ." In March 2013 Elena published a series of articles on the situation of adolescents who aware of their homosexuality. After this publication she began to receive a large number of responses from these adolescents. They talked about their experiences and the challenges they faced. Elena made the project Children 404, where these letters were published, and it eventually became the meeting place for LGBT teens. " If it is closed, LGBT teens lose the only place where they can talk openly about themselves and get advice to help them live. It would be a disaster, "- says Elena Klimova .

Elena had her first questioning  17 January this year. Then " propaganda" had not been seen in the Klimova’s project . What was the reason for the change of the decision remains a mystery. Last report doesnt specified,  on what basis made officers decided that she had created the group " promoting unconventional sexual relationship .

Igor Kochetkov , chairman of the Interregional Social Movement  Russian LGBT Network , said: " We believe this case is wrongful prosecution of journalist and defender of children's rights . Our lawyers will consult Elena Klimova and represent  her  in court . We intend to seek an end to the persecution Klimova  by all legal means»

The trial of the case could take place within 10-15 days. Russian LGBT Network will closely monitor developments


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